
Omega-3 脂肪酸對長新冠的預防效應:利用 TriNetx 的全球資料探勘研究

Omega-3 脂肪酸對長新冠的預防效應:利用 TriNetx 的全球資料探勘研究


中國醫藥大學 安南醫院副院長


WHO估計全球高達七成人口曾感染COVID-19,而確認者高達五分之一出現長新冠症候群 (long COVID),無論是來自病毒感染的慢性發炎、急性發炎後無法清除炎症組織、抑或僅是重複施打疫苗所誘發延續性的發炎;也無論發炎是作用在生理上的舊傷 (神經、骨骼、關節、心血管、代謝)、抑或作用在中樞敏感化的大腦神經迴路,這場疫情以及長新冠的現象,是「發炎理論」在醫學史上最大規模的臨床觀察和研究主題

身心介面研究中心在疫情之下,和國際夥伴進行多項學術合作的系列論文。近期團隊發表《新冠肺炎長期症狀和長鏈脂肪酸:Omega-3長鏈脂肪酸在COVID-19延遲後遺症中的心理神經免疫效果》論文 (Yang et al BBI 2023),藉由探討Omega-3在新冠病毒感染的不同階段,對於免疫、炎症、氧化壓力和心理神經免疫造成的影響。研究結果發現,Omega-3透過減少促炎細胞激素、改變下丘腦-垂體-腎上腺軸與脂質調節神經物質的傳遞,以改善情緒和神經認知障礙。此外,Omega-3及其代謝物如促分解素介質(SPMs),已被證明具有免疫調節功能,可加速清除慢性炎症和恢復組織恆定的過程,為長新冠症狀提供了嶄新的治療前景。

要如何在真實世界中測試omega-3在Long COVID的理論呢?奇美醫院的劉亭慧醫師想到了可以利用了TriNetx數據庫。TriNetx是一個全球健康數據庫,提供了完整的臨床、實驗室、診斷和治療數據。我們進行了propensity-score匹配,比較了感染COVID19之前6個月內,有服用omega-3脂肪酸(n=16962)和沒有服用者(n=2,248,803),我們發現omega-3顯著降低了一年內COVID-19長期精神症狀的風險。正如圖表中所看到,omega-3組的憂鬱、焦慮和失眠風險都有明顯降低。基於這些令人興奮的發現,我們也開始規劃一個多中心臨床試驗,來研究omega-3和SPMs對Long COVID的效用。

In our 2022 BBI article, we did a systematic review about the promising role of omega-3 in the prevention and intervention for Long COVID. Showing the potential mechanisms including anti-inflammation, anti-oxidation, ACE2 inhibition, innate immunity regulation, and omega-3 derived specialized pre-resolving mediators. To test the theory in real world (of omega-3 in long COVID), we used the TriNetx database. We conducted a propensity-score matching and compared those who took omega-3 PUFAs supplementations (n=16962) with those who did not (n=2,248,803), up to 6 months before they were infected by COVID19. We found that omega-3 significantly reduced the general risks of psychiatric symptoms of long COVID-19 up to one year of time. As you can see in the figures, there were significantly lower risks of depression, anxiety, and insomnia in omega-3 group. Based on the exciting findings, we are organizing a multi-center clinical trial to investigate the effects of omega-3 and SPMs in long COVID. 


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