

老化沿伸出來生理、心理、家庭、社會、疾病等種種不同的問題,目前仍是人類所最面對的最大挑戰之一。臺灣1993年正式進入高齡化社會(65歲以上超過人口7%),2017年65歲以上人口將達14%,成為高齡社會(aged society), 到了2025年將超過20%,成為超高齡社會(hyper-aged society,內政部,2012)。世界各國由7%倍增到14%所經歷的時間,法國花了125年、美國65年、英國及德國為45年;而台灣需25年,快過日本的26年,居世界最快!然而,台灣社會因應老化的問題,是否也是世界最快?




1 comment:

  1. A sharper mind: tai chi can improve cognitive function (Harvard Medical School)


    There are lots of jokes about forgetting where you put your keys, but as you get older, changes in your mental function are no laughing matter. Changes in your brain that start around age 50 can affect your memory, as well as other cognitive functions such as your ability to juggle multiple tasks, process information rapidly, and focus on details. By age 70, one in six people has mild cognitive impairment (which can progress to Alzheimer's disease).

    Get your copy of An Introduction to Tai Chi

    An Introduction to Tai Chi
    Mind-body exercises, such as tai chi and yoga, have been gaining popularity over the past few decades. This is not surprising, given the increasing number of studies on the positive effects of these gentler forms of exercise—everything from lowering blood pressure and managing depression to building strength and improving balance. There is even evidence that tai chi may help you live a longer, more vital life.

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    Up until about two decades ago, it was believed that your brain only produced new cells early in life. But research has shown that the brain has the ability to change throughout your entire life span, growing new cells, making new connections, and even increasing in size. These changes can improve cognitive function—and various forms of exercise, including tai chi, can help.

    In a meta-analysis of 20 studies on tai chi and cognition, tai chi appears to improve executive function—the ability to multitask, manage time, and make decisions—in people without any cognitive decline. In those with mild cognitive impairment, tai chi slowed the progression to dementia more than other types of exercise and improved their cognitive function in a comparable fashion to other types of exercise or cognitive training.

    In one study, researchers had nearly 400 Chinese men and women with some cognitive impairment perform either tai chi or a stretching and toning program three times a week. After a year, the tai chi group showed greater improvements, and only 2% of that group progressed to dementia, while 11% from the traditional exercise group did.

    In another study, tai chi outperformed walking. Following 40 weeks of either tai chi, walking, social interaction, or no intervention, researchers compared MRI images and discovered that brain volume increased the most in the tai chi group. In addition, that group also performed better on cognitive tests.
