

Frontiers of neurodegeneration diseases treatment: Targeting immune cells in brain border regions


中國醫藥大學 安南醫院副院長






在治療策略方面,目前的治療多數僅能緩解症狀,如抗膽鹼酯酶抑制劑或Monoclonal antibodies的應用,其效果有限且可能存在安全問題。因此,研究人員探索針對腦邊界的免疫細胞,如調節性T細胞、NK細胞和巨噬細胞的策略,來減少神經炎症並改善神經元健康。此外,最新技術如CRISPR基因編輯和RNA干擾技術也展現出在治療神經退行性疾病中的潛力。


• 圖1:大腦邊界的神經-免疫交互區域,包含腦膜的各層(硬腦膜、蛛網膜、軟腦膜)及脈絡叢的免疫細胞分佈。該圖強調這些邊界區域如何透過腦脊液循環及免疫細胞互動,調節中樞神經系統的免疫反應及清除代謝廢物的功能。

• 圖2:目前阿茲海默症治療策略的概覽,包括膽鹼酯酶抑制劑、單克隆抗體及其他新興療法。圖中對各治療途徑的機制進行了說明,並指出其在改善認知功能及減緩疾病進程中的潛在優劣勢。

• 圖3:針對大腦邊界免疫細胞的創新治療策略,圖中強調了如基因編輯、RNA干擾及納米載體技術的潛力,這些方法結合免疫調控技術,可能改善神經炎症及促進神經退化性疾病的治療效果。

出處:Kumaran Satyanarayanan S, Han Z, Xiao J, Yuan Q, Ho Yung W, Ke Y, Chuen-Chung Chang R, Huachen Zhu M, Su H, Su KP, Qin D, Man Yan Lee S. Frontiers of neurodegeneration diseases treatment: Targeting immune cells in brain border regions. Brain Behav Immun. 2024 Oct 6:S0889-1591(24)00647-0. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2024.10.007. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39378973.

Neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) demonstrate a complex interaction with the immune system, challenging the traditional view of the brain as an "immune-privileged" organ. Microglia were once considered the sole guardians of the brain's immune response. However, recent research has revealed the critical role of peripheral immune cells located in key brain regions like the meninges, choroid plexus, and perivascular spaces. These previously overlooked cells are now recognized as contributors to the development and progression of NDs. This newfound understanding opens doors for pioneering therapeutic strategies. By targeting these peripheral immune cells, we may be able to modulate the brain's immune environment, offering an alternative approach to treat NDs and circumvent the challenges posed by the blood-brain barrier. This comprehensive review will scrutinize the latest findings on the complex interactions between these peripheral immune cells and NDs. It will also critically assess the prospects of targeting these cells as a ground-breaking therapeutic avenue for these debilitating disorders.

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