

從理性架構談情感疾患系列 之三



過去的研究曾指出,憂鬱症患者在處理「情緒性」資訊的過程持續時間過為延長。從心理學的角度看來,這種 “rumination” “elaboration” 現象,會讓憂鬱症患者更加集中注意力在負面情緒的情境 (1),並更容易去強調負面的記憶(2)且用負面的想法來解釋事情(3, 4)

從生物精神醫學角度的研究文獻至今仍較少被發表。如果用瞳孔持續擴大來當作處理情緒資訊時的生物指標,憂鬱者在負面情緒資訊的刺激下,瞳孔持續擴大的時間顯著高於處理非情緒資訊且高於正常對照組(5)。另外,如果用event-related potential (ERP) 來測試的話,憂鬱者在處理(working memory)負面資料時,會有slow-wave增加、時間增長的狀況(6)。心情不好的人(dysphoric individuals)在看到負面的圖案時,所經驗到的驚嚇反應也會較激烈,這種情形在frontal EEG不對稱者尤其明顯(7)。而最近也有資料指出這些生理狀態與amygdala的活性相關(8)

Amygdala過度活化被認為是憂鬱者處理情緒資訊很重要的一個現象(8)Amygdala的活性可以在dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) 的活化下趨緩,但憂鬱者在DLPFC 的活性卻是降低的(9, 10),這可能造成憂鬱症患者無法抑制amygdala系統過度活化。這樣一個失去代償的狀況,可以用認知治療,增加DLPFC的活性來改變(8)

Siegle等人(11)曾發表一篇很有趣的報告,他們利用functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)來評估憂鬱者在面對負面資訊時amygdala活化的情況。實驗方法是在一個負面文字的短暫呈現(150 msec)後,記錄患者amygdala活化的fMRI訊號強度。結果發現,憂鬱者amygdala的活化達30秒之久,顯著高於正常的對照組(10秒)。而且活化的強度也顯著較高。更甚者,即使後來給予一個非情緒性的呈現(此刺激在正常的對照組可以shutting off amygdala)來當作一個「目標轉移」,也沒有改善amygdala的過度活化。在主觀感受上,amygdala持續活化也跟受測者自我報告的負面rumination程度有正相關。



1. Williams JMG, Oaksford M. Cognitive science, anxiety, and depression: From experiments to connectionism. In: Stein, Young, editors. Cognitive Science and the Clinical Disorder. San Diego: Academic Press, 1992.

2. Matt G, Vazquez C, Campell W. Mood-congruent recall of affectively toned stimuli: A meta-analytic review. Clin Psychol Rev 1992; 1: 227-255.

3. Normann WH, Miller IW, Dow MG. Characteristics of depressed patients with elevated levels of depressed mood. J Abnorm Psychol 1988; 102: 20-28.

4. Williams JMG, Nulty DD. Construct accessibility, depression and the emotional Stroop task: Transient mood or stable structure? Personality and Individual Differences 1986; 7: 485-491.

5. Siegle GJ, Granholm E, Ingram RE, Matt GE. Papillary response and reaction time measures of sustained processing of negative information in depression. Biol Psychiatry 2001; 49: 624-636.

6. Deldin PJ, et al. A Slow Wave Investigation of Working Memory Biases in Mood Disorders. J Abnorm Psychol 2001; 110: 267-281.

7. Larson CL, Davidson RJ. Prolonged startle blink potentiation following negative stimuli among individuals with relative right frontal EEG asymmetry. Psychophysiology 2001; 3: S9.

8. LeDoux J. The Emotional Brain. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996.(中文版「腦中有情」由洪蘭翻譯,遠流出版,2001

9. Baker SC, Frith CD, Dolan RJ. The interaction between mood and cognitive function studied with PET. Psychol Med 1997; 28: 565-578.

10. Liotti M, et al. Differential limbic-cortical correlates of sadness and anxiety in healthy subjects: Implications for affective disorder. Biol Psychiatry 2000; 48: 30-42.

11. Siegle CJ et al. Can’t shake that feeling: Event-related fMRI assessment of sustained amygdala activity in response to emotional information in depressed individuals. Biol Psychiatry 2002; 51: 693-707.

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