Harvard Medical School的Ronald Kessler領軍的研究團隊,投入巨大的人力和財力資源,全國性、大規模、系統性地去「尋找」社區中精神疾患個案後(流行病學的調查),發現這些以焦慮疾患及憂鬱疾患表現為主的個案,大大不同於在醫院中就醫的焦慮及憂鬱症的個案。首先,Kessler團隊的報告結果發現,只有12%的患者在訪視的一年內看過精神科醫師,另外的16%向精神醫療相關人員(如社工師或心理師)尋求協助,更多的患者(23%)其實是以身體不適而去求助於一般科的醫師(general medical providers),甚至有8%的患者直接尋覓另類療法(complementary alternative medical providers)。即使接受精神科醫師治療者的那少數的12%中,也只有大約其中的一半(48%)得到適當的精神醫療(足夠劑量的藥物或足夠次數的心理治療),更別論求助於一般科醫師的患者了,他們得到適切診療的比例只有13%。此外,社區中的老人、少數民族、低收入、沒有保險及偏遠地區的居民都是治療上容易被忽略的族群 (Wang et al. 2005)。
憂鬱症是二十一世紀的「健康殺手」。根據世界衛生組織的報告(The World Health Report 2001),憂鬱症(或稱重鬱症 Major Depressive Disorder, MDD)、癌症與愛滋病是本世紀戕害人類健康,造成人類失能的三大疾病。憂鬱症比糖尿病或高血壓來得更「流行」,一個人一生中罹患憂鬱症的可能性大於10% (Kessler et al. 1994),但卻常常被忽略,也很少被早期發現。然而憂鬱症卻能造成患者自尊的喪失、酒精及藥物濫用、身體健康的惡化及人際關係與生活品質的破壞。根據統計約有2/3的憂鬱症患者曾企圖自殺,而10-15%的憂鬱症患者死於自殺 (Jamison and Goodwin 1999)。在台灣,自殺從1997年至2003年已連續六年成為臺灣十大死因之一。2003年臺灣因自殺身亡的人數有3468多人,平均每10萬人就有15.31人自殺而死-意即每二個半小時就有一人因為自殺而死亡,且四成自殺者之年齡是介於30歲至50歲的青壯年,實為社會之損失及經濟之重大負擔(http://www.doh.gov.tw)。
雖然大眾常喜歡從政治、社會、經濟、文化等不同角度試圖來解釋自殺的原因,但從流行病研究的觀點來看而言,自殺絕對是值得以醫學角度,特別是精神醫學的角度探討的議題。國內外的研究皆指出,自殺者在自殺身亡前的一個月,有一半以上曾至一般醫療院所求醫 (鄭泰安 1993)。根據多項國內外的研究看來,這些自殺者生前,有六成到九成是處在重度憂鬱症的狀態(請參考回顧性論文:Rihmer 2001),鄭泰安教授在台灣東部的研究更是逼近百分之百 (Cheng 1995)。因此,在許多先進國家,自殺的防治多半是基層醫療政策推動的重點,其理論基礎正是建立在:醫療院所的一般科醫師及基層醫師,如果能夠正確診斷及治療憂鬱症,必能在自殺防治工作中扮演極重要的角色。
雖然大眾常喜歡從政治、社會、經濟、文化等不同角度試圖來解釋自殺的原因,但從流行病研究的觀點來看而言,自殺絕對是值得以醫學角度,特別是精神醫學的角度探討的議題。國內外的研究皆指出,自殺者在自殺身亡前的一個月,有一半以上曾至一般醫療院所求醫 (鄭泰安 1993)。根據多項國內外的研究看來,這些自殺者生前,有六成到九成是處在重度憂鬱症的狀態(請參考回顧性論文:Rihmer 2001),鄭泰安教授在台灣東部的研究更是逼近百分之百 (Cheng 1995)。因此,在許多先進國家,自殺的防治多半是基層醫療政策推動的重點,其理論基礎正是建立在:醫療院所的一般科醫師及基層醫師,如果能夠正確診斷及治療憂鬱症,必能在自殺防治工作中扮演極重要的角色。

近二十年來,美國國家衛生研究院(National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH)補助巨資,大力推動的流病研究-Epidemiological Catchment Area (ECA) study,最近第二次的收成,並陸續發表在世界一流的期刊中。這些結果雖然不是台灣的本土資料,但卻可以帶給我們許多的臨床上的省思。以下僅提出數項結論及相關的問題供大家參考與交流。
第 一、如果來到精神科求助的患者,只是社區中焦慮及憂鬱症患者的十分之一,那麼表示精神醫學訓練過程中看到的個案(或用來教導住院醫師的個案),可能都是比較「不典型(偏向較嚴重)」的個案。另一方面,在「綜合醫院」和「專科醫院訓練」的個案可能也有很大的差異,這樣的過程是否會影響精神醫學訓練的標準化?意即-每 一個專科醫師(特別是對於DSM-IV系統比較質疑的醫師)對於憂鬱症的診斷的標準差異過大-這可能是精神醫學界訓練專科醫師時要嚴肅思考的問題。如果我們用來訓練的個案都是較嚴重的個案,那麼有沒有可能比較容易遺漏了嚴重度較輕的個案(例如過度診斷「適應障礙」、「睡眠障礙」、「身體化疾患」、或「低落情感疾患」)?有沒有可能對於治療的目標有較大的差異(例如常面對較嚴重患者的醫師比較沒有治療成功(complete recovery)的經驗、或把partial remission誤認為治療成功)?有沒有可能延誤適當治療介入的時機(例如把過度使用抗焦慮劑)?從美國的研究中看來 (Wang et al. 2005),到精神科的患者(MDD中的12%),也只有48%得到合適的精神醫療,可見先進國家也有類似的問題。
第二、一直以來,我們對於治療焦慮及憂鬱症的practice guidelines或clinical trials的結果大多來自於醫院蒐集的研究個案,如果這些個案都是比較「不典型」的個案,我們可能必須重新思考practice guidelines和clinical trials的適用性。意即,現存的practice guidelines只能稱做「焦慮及憂鬱症患者中約十分之一到醫院就醫的practice guidelines」!
- Cheng, A. T. (1995) Mental illness and suicide. A case-control study in east Taiwan. Arch Gen Psychiatry 52, 594-603.
- Jamison, K. and Goodwin, F. (1999) Suicide in manic-depressive illness. In: Manic-Depressive Illness, pp. 227-244. Eds K. Jamison, F. Goodwin.
- Kessler, R. C., McGonagle, K. A., Zhao, S., Nelson, C. B., Hughes, M., Eshleman, S., Wittchen, H. U., and Kendler, K. S. (1994) Lifetime and 12-month prevalence of DSM-III-R psychiatric disorders in the United States. Results from the National Comorbidity Survey. Arch Gen Psychiatry 51, 8-19.
- Rihmer, Z. (2001) Can better recognition and treatment of depression reduce suicide rates? A brief review. Eur Psychiatry 16, 406-409.
- The World Health Report (2001) Mental health: new understanding, new hope. WHO: Geneva.
- Wang, P. S., Lane, M., Olfson, M., Pincus, H. A., Wells, K. B., and Kessler, R. C. (2005b) Twelve-month use of mental health services in the United States: results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Arch Gen Psychiatry 62, 629-640.
- 鄭泰安 (1993) 精神疾病與自殺之預防. 中華精神醫學 7, 123.
- Lloyd-Williams, M., Dennis, M., Taylor, F., Baker, I. (2003) Is asking patients in palliative care, "are you depressed?" Appropriate? Prospective study. BMJ 327(7411): 372-3.
- Simon, G.E., VonKorff, M., Piccinelli, M., Fullerton, C., Ormel, J. (1999) An international study of the relation between somatic symptoms and depression. N Engl J Med 341(18): 1329-35.
ReplyDeleteI’m in pain, so why is my doctor suggesting a psychologist?
Salim Zerriny, MDPosted August 14, 2019, 10:30 am
Pain makes us human. It is a bell, fine-tuned by evolution, that often rings in moments necessary for our survival. Because of pain, we can receive warnings that trigger the reflexes to escape potential danger.
But what happens when that bell continues to ring? How do we respond to a signal when it interferes with the other elements that make us human?
Pain that lasts longer than six months is considered chronic, and it may not go away. With chronic pain, the bell’s ongoing signal gets your nervous system wound up and increases its reactivity to incoming messages. This can be quite distressing and anxiety-provoking. Additionally, the feelings of frustration or sadness when pain doesn’t go away can make pain worse.
What’s the link between emotion and my perception of pain?
Pain, depression, and anxiety travel through similar pathways along your nervous system and share many of the same biological mechanisms. One of the areas in the brain that receives pain signals — specifically, the limbic region — shares many of the same messengers as the mood signals. We know from research studies using neuroimaging that the parts of the brain controlling emotion and sensory features of pain are altered in people with chronic pain.
The connection between pain and emotion can also be seen with certain classes of medications. For example, some medications used to treat pain can cause side effects like euphoria, and medications originally developed for psychiatric conditions can be effective treatments for certain types of pain.
The medical community has come to appreciate a direct correlation between improvement in one’s emotional well-being and their experience of pain (and vice versa). Chronic pain increases the risk of depression and anxiety, and depression and anxiety strongly predict the development of chronic pain. This association is seen in conditions like fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome, where behavioral and psychological treatment strategies have shown benefit in reducing symptoms.
What can a psychologist help me address?
Pain catastrophizing: This is when you magnify the negative effects of pain and focus on feelings of helplessness while ruminating about the presence of pain in your life. Negative thoughts and beliefs about pain often lead to worsened emotional and social functioning and a decreased response to medical interventions for pain.
Fear of pain: Concern or worry about an injury drives avoidant or protective behaviors. The anticipation of an increased sensation of pain may limit you from engaging in physical activity or attending social outings. Pain-avoidant behaviors can lead to physical deconditioning and further decreased quality of life.
Pain acceptance: This is a challenging, but highly effective technique focused on developing an accepting attitude towards the pain. It involves doing your best to nonjudgmentally acknowledge the presence of pain and minimize unhelpful thoughts and behaviors that won’t make pain better.
Trauma: The link between prior trauma and chronic pain is becoming better understood. Psychological therapies can address ongoing physical and emotional stress responses linked to traumatic experiences.
ReplyDeleteI’m in pain, so why is my doctor suggesting a psychologist?
Salim Zerriny, MDPosted August 14, 2019, 10:30 am
What type of therapies help with chronic pain?
There are multiple psychotherapeutic treatment options commonly used to help people manage chronic pain. Practicing meditation and becoming as active as possible have been shown to be effective methods that can be done on your own. Mental health professionals who specialize in working with people in pain can guide you with additional evidence-based treatments:
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): talk therapy that helps to change your thoughts and behaviors related to pain and improve coping strategies. You can learn CBT techniques with a psychologist or as part of a therapeutic group, which may also provide a support network.
Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR): a form of mediation where you learn to nonjudgmentally become aware of your thoughts and feelings and accept pain and other uncomfortable sensations as neither positive nor negative.
Hypnosis for pain (hypno-analgesia): a set of techniques intended to modify your thoughts, feelings and behaviors via subconscious suggestions aimed at altering your experience of pain. Hypno-analgesia differs from CBT, which is a conscious recognition of your emotions related to pain and a more self-directed, action-oriented approach.
Biofeedback: a technique where your body functions such as heart rate, muscle tension, and skin temperature are monitored to make you aware of your involuntary responses to stress. During biofeedback sessions you learn a variety of ways to control your physical reactions to stress and anxiety.
Where can you find help to manage the emotional aspects of pain?
It is always recommended that you have a primary care physician coordinating your care, and you doctor may be able to provide you with a referral to a pain specialist or psychologist. It is worth finding out what mental health services your health insurance covers as you navigate this process.
Additional resources for finding specialists in your area:
American Chronic Pain Association
American Pain Society
Will my pain ever go away?
This question is surely at the top of every person’s mind if they are in pain. The difficulty in answering this stems from the variety and types of chronic pain syndromes, as well as individual variability. What has been shown to make a difference in people managing chronic pain is trying a variety of approaches, such as cognitive and behavioral techniques, staying active, practicing meditation, and working with your doctor to find effective medical and procedural interventions. The more of these interventions you try, the more likely you will find something that makes a positive impact.
The challenges of coping with a chronic pain condition cannot be understated. The negative emotions that come from it can be self-perpetuating, as one’s feelings of pain can lead to depression, and that very depression can lead to worsening pain. In coping with this cycle, the goal is to take whatever steps are possible to continue to lead a fulfilling life, including getting emotional and social support.
Our understanding of pain continues to evolve, and with it may come improved personalized treatments and better understanding of chronic pain’s influence on the body and mind.
本文與台大新興科技媒體中心以及中研院生物醫學科學研究所陳建璋研究員合作,文章由泛科學編輯 YP 改寫。
這並非無病呻吟,那些說不清楚的痛,「國際疼痛研究協會」(The International Association for the Study of Pain,IASP)注意到了。該協會40年來首次修訂「疼痛」定義,並新增6項注釋,其中最重要的概念就是:
IASP主席、丹麥奧爾堡大學(Aalborg University)博士阿倫特尼路森(Lars Arendt-Nielsen),以及IASP前任主席、美國華盛頓大學博士特納(Judith Turner)指出,「乍看之下,會覺得修正的字句改變並不大,但其實很重要,例如我們現在知道,某些疼痛雖然與組織損傷沒關係,但與神經系統功能障礙有關。」
美國史丹佛大學疼痛心理學者貝絲達納爾(Beth Darnall)也表示:「修訂後的定義強調未必要有組織損傷,病患自我報告因而有更多討論空間與尊重。」
近年來許多研究嘗試分析小鼠因痛覺產生臉部表情或移動行為的變化來分辨動物是否疼痛[4; 5]。我們認為將來透過長時間的影片錄製,利用人工智慧分析老鼠的飲水、進食、睡眠、社交活動、性等行為,涵蓋生理及心理相關的分析,會更加客觀且貼合臨床的觀察。
Pain terms: a list with definitions and notes on usage. Recommended by the IASP Subcommittee on Taxonomy. Pain 1979;6(3):249.
Raja SN, Carr DB, Cohen M, Finnerup NB, Flor H, Gibson S, Keefe FJ, Mogil JS, Ringkamp M, Sluka KA, Song XJ, Stevens B, Sullivan MD, Tutelman PR, Ushida T, Vader K. The revised International Association for the Study of Pain definition of pain: concepts, challenges, and compromises. Pain 2020.
Fried NT, Chamessian A, Zylka MJ, Abdus-Saboor I. Improving pain assessment in mice and rats with advanced videography and computational approaches. Pain 2020;161(7):1420-1424.
Langford DJ, Bailey AL, Chanda ML, Clarke SE, Drummond TE, Echols S, Glick S, Ingrao J, Klassen-Ross T, Lacroix-Fralish ML, Matsumiya L, Sorge RE, Sotocinal SG, Tabaka JM, Wong D, van den Maagdenberg AM, Ferrari MD, Craig KD, Mogil JS. Coding of facial expressions of pain in the laboratory mouse. Nat Methods 2010;7(6):447-449.