

Provide submission-ready documents (or decision-ready emails) to your supervisors








  • 不要發給老師草稿、未完成的版本、待定的內容、未修正的錯誤、或者是沒有背景資訊的問題。
  • 學習「可供決策的提問」來做溝通。要請老師決策之前,應該提供完整的資訊,甚至可以列出2-3個可能決策的排序及其利弊,來供老師或主管做選擇。
  • 學習把所有需要修改的論文,做到「已可投稿」的版本(意即:老師如果沒有改,直接就可以投出去的版本)。當你覺得已經很完善周全,結果老師還有很多部分可以進行修改和指導,這就是研究生如何在學術和研究生涯中,獲得持續和顯著的進步的最佳方式。
  • 假設老師或主管每星期只會打開你的文件看一次!切記:不要把寶貴的時間浪費在自己可以/應該避免的錯誤上;也不要讓老師(主管)把時間浪費在「來回詢問更多細節和資訊」,這會拖很久才能前進。
  • 當你很努力並在團隊同事的幫助下,仍然沒有辦法解決問題,而且心情變的很沮喪;或是遇到任何緊急情況的時候,請在第一時間跟老師或主管約時間,列出討論事項安排討論。

Provide submission-ready documents (or decision-ready emails) to your supervisors

The ultimate goal for research students is to solute problems independently (in work and life). To start the training, you practice interacting with your supervisors with Submission-ready documents (or decision-ready e-mails):

  • Don’t send drafts, unready versions, pending contents, uncorrected mistakes, inquiries without context or information to your supervisors. 
  • Always send decision-ready e-mails or inquiries. You provide full information for decision. You even list the ranking and Pros and cons of 2-3 decisions for your supervisors to choose. 
  • Always provide the submission-ready documents. You feel it’s perfect, but your supervisors still have a lot to teach. That’s how you get continuous and significant progress in your career.
  • You supervisors only read your documents once per weeks. You don’t want to waste your own time on the back-and-forth conversation on the mistakes you can/should correct, or waste your supervisors’ time on the back-and-forth conversation to ask for more information for decision. 
  • When you are frustrated with no solution after your efforts and your colleagues’ helps (or any emergency). Make a call or ask for an appointment with your supervisors.    

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